'SATU Ikatan' -peringatan bagi yang lupa

'SATU Ikatan' -peringatan bagi yang lupa

Sebuah Perjalanan Di Jalan Dakwah 1 Pencerahan

pencerahan sebuah perjalanan dakwah.

Pencerahan Di Jalan Dakwah

Jalan dakwah yg mesti kita lalui adalah jalan dakwah yg dilalui oleh Rasulullah saw.

Soal Diri Dan Janji Kepada Allah

Suatu surat yang ditulis kepada seseorang adalah satu permintaan kepada seseorang..

Hakikat Ummat Islam Adalah Bersatu Hati=Formula Kemenangan Islam

DIKISAHKAN kisah Bani Nadhir dalam surah Alhasyr selepas surah Al-mujadilah bagi menyambung kisah perjuangan ummat Islam yg diberi gelaran Hizbullah. (Parti Allah/ golongan Allah).

Secebis Kata Untuk Dirasa

apa yang difahami dengan perkataan diatas? atau lebih spesifik apa yang umat islam faham tentang perkataan diatas?

Thursday, 11 December 2008

everybody has its role, role it now!

semua ade peranannya masing2 dlm kehidupan ini...
aku lihat batang tubuhmu teguh..
tak goyah sedikitpun dek angin yg berlalu..
namun rantingmu pula sedikit beralun dgn daun2nya..
dek rintangan angin yg agak kuat dilangit
kau tinggi..
membolehkan yg berada dibawahmu dpt berteduh..
bila kulihat pula rumput2 dibawahmu..
ku lihat sedikit berayun dek angin yg sepoi..
rendahnye dia berbanding dgnmu..
menjadikan org2 mesir merasa senang utk duduk diatasnya..
ia juga bermanfaat sepertimu wahai pokok..
namun kulihat kau bermanfaat namun kau tetap tinggi..
tp dia..
juga bermanfaat namun dinjak manusia dan binatang..

pandanganku kelihatan ingin mengajar diriku..
terhadap kehidupan yg ingin dijalani..
sama ada menjadi abid yg sibuk beribadah..
ataupun menjadi daie yg penuh dgn cemuhan dan rintangan.,
kulihat pokok umpama daie yg ingin terus memacu dirinya kelangit..
namun bile kullihat rumput..
umpama dia berkata "biarlah aku dibawah asalkan aku taat pada Allah"
bila kulihat batang tubuh pokok yg tidak goyah dek angin..
umpama satu akidah kuat yg dipertahankan..
bile ku lihat rantingnya ia bergerak selari dgn arus kemodenan sbgmana rantingnya berayun selari dgn angin yg datang..
namun tak hanyut dibawa angin..
mempertahankan akidahnya terus gagah..
mempertahankan syariat yg telah ditetapkan..
arus itu harus ada batasan..
sbgamana ranting yg berayun hanya takat tertentu dek angin yg dtg..

kehidupan adalah satu pilihan..
dimana kita ingin berada?
siapa yg kite ingin jadi?
bile kita ingin membuat pilihan bg diri?
bgaimana pula kita ingin berubah?
tentukanlah pilihan anda..
"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sblm mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri.." s.ar-ra'du,13:11

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

why people done to us like this? bcoz we'r muslim?

"And a believer of pharoh's people who concealed his faith said; "Will you kill a man because he says: "My LORD is GOD(Allah)?"and indeed he has brought to you clear signs from your Lord, and if is a liar, on him will be his lie, and if he is truthful, there will befall you some threatens you with. surely GOD(Allah) does not guide any excessive liar" (s. Ghafir40:28)

French Muslims Want Remembrance Day

By IslamOnline.net & News Agencies

Vandals daubed swastikas and anti-Islam slogans on 500 of the 576 Muslim graves on the eve of `Eid al-Adha. (Reuters)

Vandals daubed swastikas and anti-Islam slogans on 500 of the 576 Muslim graves on the eve of `Eid al-Adha. (Reuters)

PARIS — French Muslims condemned on Tuesday, December 9, the latest vandal attack on hundreds of Muslim graves in a military cemetery in northern France, demanding a new day of remembrance for France's Muslim war dead.

"[ RMF] firmly and tirelessly condemns these cowardly and despicable acts," the Rally of French Muslims (RMF) said in a statement cited by Agence France Presse (AFP).

Vandals daubed swastikas and anti-Islam slogans on graves of French Muslim war veterans buried in Notre-Dame-de-Lorette World War I cemetery.

About 500 of the 576 Muslim graves were defaced Sunday, the eve of `Eid al-Adha, one of the two main religious festivals on the Islamic calendar which marks the end of hajj.

Swastikas and slogans insulting Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and France's Justice Minister Rachida Dati, a Muslim, were painted on graves.

The damage was discovered early Monday by a passerby, state prosecutor Jean-Pierre Valensi told reporters at the scene, adding that a probe is under way.

The Paris mosque is to hold a prayer ceremony at the cemetery on Friday.

PresidentSarkozy denounced the attack as "abject and revolting" and said it was "the expression of a repugnant racism directed against the Muslim community of France."

He ordered that the perpetrators be quickly found and brought to justice "with the full severity that this requires."

This is the third time over the past two years that Muslim tombstones were desecrated at the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette cemetery.

In April, vandals desecrated 148 Muslim graves, hanging a pig's head from one tombstone and again taunting Dati, who is of North African descent.

That attack came almost exactly a year after a similar incident in which neo-Nazi vandals painted swastikas on 52 of the cemetery's Muslim graves.

Remembrance Day

The RMF, whose leader Mohammed Moussaoui is the head of the official French Council for the Muslim Religion, urged the state to devote a new day of remembrance for its Muslim war dead.

"[This would] raise youth awareness about the contribution of Muslims who fell to defend the freedom of their nation, France, and the liberty of all French people whatever their religion or beliefs."

During WW I, France amassed about 600,000 colonial subjects, including many Muslims from Algeria and Tunisia, of whom 78,000 were killed.

The Notre Dame de Lorette cemetery, near the town of Arras, is France's biggest military graveyards.

Inaugurated in 1925, it houses the remains of about 40,000 soldiers killed in a series of long and bloody battles for control of northern France at the start of World War I.

The Muslim quarter includes 576 tombs, grouped together and turned towards the holy city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

France is home to nearly seven million Muslims, the largest Muslim minority in Western Europe.

Saturday, 6 December 2008


israeli armed settlers attacking palestinian civilians home in hebron

Dec 5 2008 friday
Dec 5 2008 friday
An innocent Palestinian family, numbering close to 20 people. All of
them women and children, save for three men. Surrounding them are a few
dozen masked Jews seeking to lynch them. A pogrom. This isn't a play on
words or a double meaning. It is a pogrom in the worst sense of the word.

First the masked men set fire to their laundry in the front yard and then
they tried to set fire to one of the rooms in the house. The women cry for
help, "Allahu Akhbar." Yet the neighbors are too scared to approach the
house, frightened of the security guards from *Kiryat Arba who have sealed
off the home and who are cursing the journalists who wish to document the
events unfolding there.

The cries rain down, much like the hail of stones the masked men hurled at
the Abu Sa'afan family in the house.

A few seconds tick by before a group of journalists, long accustomed to witnessing these difficult moments, decide not to stand on the sidelines. They break into the home and save the lives
of the people inside.

The brain requires a minute or two to digest what is taking place. Women and children crying bitterly, their faces giving off an expression of horror, sensing their imminent deaths, begging the journalists to save their lives.

Stones land on the roof of the home, the windows and
the doors. Flames engulf the southern entrance to the home. The front yard
is littered with stones thrown by the masked men. The windows are shattered
and the children are frightened. All around, as if they were watching a rock
concert, are hundreds of Jewish witnesses, observing the events with great
interest, even offering suggestions to the Jewish wayward youth as to the most effective way to harm the family. And the police are not to be seen. Nor is
the army.

Ten minutes prior, while the security forces were preoccupied with
dispersing the rioters near the House of Contention, black smoke billowed
from the wadi separating Kiryat Arba and Hebron. For some reason, none of
the senior officers of the police or the army were particularly disturbed by
what was transpiring at the foot of Kiryat Arba. Anyone standing hundreds of
meters away could notice the dozens of rioters climbing atop the roof of the
Abu Sa'afan family home, hurling stones. Only moments later did it become
apparent that there were people inside the home.

I quickly descend to the wadi and accost three soldiers. "What do you want
from me? The three of us are responsible for the entire sector here," one
said, his hand gesturing towards the entire wadi.

"Use your radio to request help," I said. He replies that he is not equipped
with a radio.

A group of journalists approach the house. A dilemma. What to do? There are
no security forces in the vicinity and now the Jewish troublemakers decided
to put the journalists in their crosshairs. We call for the security guards
from Kiryat Arba to intervene and put a halt to the lynch. But they surround
the home to prevent the arrival of "Palestinian aid."

The home is destroyed and the fear is palpable on the faces of the children.
One of the women, Jihad, is sprawled on the floor, half-unconscious. The
son, who is gripping a large stick, prepares for the moment he will be
forced to face the rioters. Tahana, one of the daughters, refuses to calm
down. "Look at what they did to the house, look."

Tess, the photographer, bursts into tears as the events unfold around her.
The tears do not stem from fear. It is shame, shame at the sight of these
occurrences, the deeds of youths who call themselves Jews. Shame that we
share the same religion. At 5:05 P.M., a little over an hour after the
incident commenced, a unit belonging to the Yassam special police forces
arrives to disperse the crowd of masked men. The family members refuse to
calm down. Leaving the home, one can hear a settler yell at a police
officer: "Nazis, shame on you." Indeed. Shame on you.

Kiryat Arba
Hebrew קִרְיַת־אַרְבַּע
(Translit.) Qiryat Arbaʻ
Arabic قرية أربع
Name meaning Town of the Four [Giants]
Government Local council
Also spelled Qiryat Arba (officially)
District Judea and Samaria Area
Population 7,000 (2007)
Jurisdiction 5,000 dunams (5.0 km2/1.9 sq mi)

*Kiryat Arba or Qiryat Arba is an urban Jewish community in the southern Judea region of the West Bank adjoining the city of Hebron.

berlatih utk menggunakan telinga dan penglihatan dan hati

membersihkan berbagai sikap keras dan tindakan kurang bijak dengan menunjukkan jalan-jalan menuju hati. Allah swt, berfirman,

"Maka disebabkan rahmat dan Allah-lah kamu berlaku lemah lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi berhati kasar, tentulah mereka menjauhkan diri dari sekelilingmu." (Al-Imran: 159)

"Pergilah kamu berdua kepada Fir'aun, sesunggubnya dia telah melampaui batas, maka berbicaralah kalian berdua kepadanya dengan kata-kata yang lemah lembut, mudah-mudahan ia ingat atau takut" (Thaha: 43-44)

"Maka tiba-tiba orang yang antaramu dan dia ada permusuhan seolah-olah telah menjadi teman yang sangat setia." (Fushilat: 34)

Rasul bersabda,

"Seorang wanita masuk neraka gara-gara seekor kucing yang dikurungnya tanpa diberi makan dan minum, dan ia memnggalkannya dengan tidak memberi makan meskipun serangga tanah."

"Allah sekali-kali tidak menjadikan bagi seseorang dua 'keping' hati dalam rongganya." (Al-Ahzab: 4)
Kerana itu, tidak mungkin pemilik hati yang sarat cinta dan keimanan, pada waktu yang sama ia adalah seorang yang berhati gersang, kasar, serta menyimpan rasa dengki dan kebencian kepada pihak lain..

Pastikan POSISI anda kini dlm keadaan MENGINGATI ALLAH..